Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Today I got a lot of cool stuff from Jarritos. This includes 6 coupons, 3 bottle stickers, and 2 sticker sheets. I also got a very thoughtful letter. Unfortunately, I didn't get a key chain :( I wanted it for my school lanyard. Needless to say, I'm still impressed by this package. I'm able to get 4 free drinks, 1 bogo drink, and a nice deal on some sauce. If you are interested, this is Jarrito's site. However, you contact them via Novamex. Click this link.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Essential Phrases

An important aspect to emailing companies is grammar. This isn't intended to be a post that summarizes your English class, but does draw on some basic principles of writing.

Now, didn't those few sentences sound authoritative? That's because I used more precise words. Also, I did not write how I talk. This is a key concept. Never, ever write like you are having a casual conversation with your mom! EVER!

This means, don't write this:
"Hey Cool Company, Inc. I wanted to know if you would be super cool and send me some free stuff? That would be super awesome!"
     -This style is way to casual. If you are sending an email to a super cool brand, like Beats, then maybe lay off the professional approach. Still, do NOT sound pushy, expecting, spoiled, etc.)

"Good morrow to you, Cool Company Incorporated, I wast wondering if 't be true thee could sendeth me free stuff? I would greatly appreciate t. Thank thee!"
     -This style is Shakespeare, you doofus! No one talks like that. Point is, don't over due the professional talk because it makes your selfish intentions incredibly obvious.

...but like this:
"Dear Cool Company, Inc. I would like to know if it's possible for your company to send me free stuff? I would greatly appreciate it."
     -This style uses everyday language correctly and more precisely, and is a lot more easier then cracking out the Thesaurus to sound more professional.

So, now that we got past the tone, let's look at some essential phrases.

Opening Sentences
  • Dear ...,
  • Hello ...!
  • My name is...
  • I enjoy your...
  • I think your... is wonderful!
Body Sentences (The stuff in the middle that elaborates your point)
  • Your company is very generous/amazing/wonderful/impressive
  • Your ... is very useful
  • I used ... the other day (pick anytime in the past)
  • Thank you for your time
  • (Regardless,) Thank you in advance
  • I [(would) greatly] appreciate it/this/that
  • Thank You
In short, sound educated and respectful when emailing companies. Be polite no matter the outcome!

That's it for this week. Next week, I will teach you about the SASE method.


Today I received some free stuff from Brooks Running! I got a sweat band and four stickers. They answered within 24 hours and got the stuff to me in a week and a half. Thanks Brooks! Visit them by clicking here.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Email Structure

Today on Tips, I'm going to teach you how to create a successful and proper email. When you are emailing companies for free things, you need to be respectful and polite, but not to formal. Remember that you are making a request, not emailing the CEO for a partnership. Follow these simple tips to quickly and easily make simple and successful emails.


  1. Greeting: Say "Hello, I'm ..."
    • Address them by their name
    • Give them your first name
  2. Compliment the brand
    • What's your favorite product from them? Talk about it in 1-2 sentences. 
    • Tell them WHY you like it. Be detailed!
  3. Relate something
    • This means to tell them a story involving their product. Use 2+
    • Give details! Details prove you aren't just spamming the brand for stuff. Show you are generally interested in them!
  4. Request
    • Quite simply, request what you want! Don't be pushy or expectant. Just ask for stickers/samples/stuff
    • Tell them what you want to do with the stuff
  5. Thank them, no matter what
    • Tell them "Thank You in advance!" A phrase along these lines in essential in being polite and can help add to the chances of success
  6. Contact Information
    • I recommend attaching your address so they don't have to wait for your reply
    • You don't have to do this right away. If you aren't comfortable giving it out, just say that you'll give it to them if they can send stuff
That's it for this week. Next week I'll tell you about some essential phrases that can make the email more professional! Good luck and have fun emailing!

In-N-Out Burger & Sambazon

Today, I checked my mail and was happy to see 2 company envelopes! Now, in case you're wondering, I forgot to check my mail yesterday, so these were actually delivered on Saturday. So I received stickers from 2 companies: In-N-Out Burger and Sambazon.

In-N-Out Burger

In-N-Out Burger kindly gave  me 3 awesome stickers and a letter in about a week. They answered in 24 hours.

You can visit their website here.

Sambazon gave me 2 stickers and a coupon in about a week. They answered promptly at 24 hours.

You can visit their website here.

Good luck! If there's a company you know of that you want featured, leave a comment and I'll contact them!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Hello! I run @freestickers_inc on Instagram. I love free stickers and stuff. I will try to post as much as possible, since this is easier to keep up rather then Instagram. I will post soon. I'm also going to create a database of companies known to give out stuff. I will also share tips and tricks. This will hopefully be your number one source for free stuff!

Please, if a company that you've received stuff has not been featured or is listed on the database, please contact me or comment below!